Saint Laurence Monthly News
February 2024
Enquiries for baptisms and weddings should be made
to the Team Administrator on 07928 103850
or email
Team Vicar Revd Rick Tett 01530 610235
Churchwarden Vacancy
For hall bookings contact Lynne Hadfield 01530 273006
Visit us online at
February Church Services at 10am unless otherwise stated
Feb 4th Measham Normanton
Feb 11th Measham Donisthorpe
Celtic MP in the Hall HC
Feb 14th Ash Wednesday services at 10am at Packington
and 7:00pm at Measham
Feb 18th Measham Normanton
Breakfast Church in the Hall HC
Feb 25th Measham Packington
Baptism HC
Open for Private Prayer St Laurence is open for private prayer
Tuesdays-Thursdays 10am – 3pm.
Feel free to call in and enjoy the quiet.
Regular activities
Active age our exercise group meets every Wednesday in
the church hall at 11am.
Little Fishes our group for the under 5s meets on
2nd and 16th February in the church hall at 10am.
Thank You
To all who came to our Christingle Service on Christmas Eve. The church was once again filled with candle light and it was a very special moment when we lit the Christingles and sang “Away in a Manger.”
Special thanks go to Adam at Measham Tesco and Harry in Ashby who provided the sticks, sweets and oranges, without which we could not have gone ahead.
We sent £253.51 to The Children’s Society for their work with vulnerable children.
Ash Wednesday falls on 14th February this year.
There will be two services, one at Packington at 10am
and one at Measham at 7pm.
This is always a very meaningful service to start us off on the path to Easter.
Lent Course
Rick will be running our Lent course for
6 sessions on Thursday mornings from
10.30am-12 in Measham Hall, starting on
February 15th and running until March 21st.
This is always a good time to reflect and
prepare ourselves for Easter.