Safeguarding of Children

The safeguarding of children is taken very seriously by the church. It is of significant importance and we recognize the contribution we can make to protect and support children. 

The PCC has adopted the safeguarding policy of the Diocese of Leicester. The policy can be found here  

Our aim is to promote children's welfare, safety and health by encouraging an open, honest, caring and supportive environment.

A pocket guide to safeguarding is to be found here 

If you are concerned the pocket guide gives further information  and support on who to contact.

Safeguarding - who to contact

At parish level - Team Vicar, Revd Rick Tett on 01530 610235 or or our safeguarding coordinator Mrs Helen Phillips on

or at the level of Leicester Diocese, the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisers : Rachael Spiers 0116 2615341 or Peter Holloway 0116 2615241. The out of hours number (evenings and weekends) is: Thirtyone:eight tel 0303 003 1111 (Option 2). Say that you are calling from Leicester Diocese

If you have concerns about the immediate safety of someone please don’t delay in ringing the Police  on 999 or Children or Adult Services:

  • Leicester City Children and Adults Services (incl. out of hours for Children’s Services) – 0116 454 1004
  • Leicester City and Leicestershire Adult Services out of hours – 0116 255 1606
  • Leicestershire Children’s Service (incl. out of hours) – 0116 305 0005
  • Leicestershire Adult Services (daytime) – 0116 305 0004

The Childline number, for those 18 and under who would like to talk confidentially about a worry,  is 0800 1111

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